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Dog poop bags made of plastic, a conscious choice

The dog waste bags from DepoDog are made from polyethylene. This consists of the carbon and hydrogen atoms. Upon complete combustion in a waste incineration plant, carbon dioxide and water are generated. Non-hazardous substances. It only becomes environmentally harmful if the dog waste bags do not end up in the waste bin after use but in nature. 

Fully biodegradable dog waste bags

We regularly receive the question whether we can supply fully biodegradable poop bags.  And of course we can also supply fully biodegradable poop bags on request. However, this is not our preference for the following reasons:

Dog shit in the compost waste bin.

As soon as you wrapped the poop in a so-called biodegradable dog bag, you give the impression that the entire package including the dog poo can be thrown away in the compost waste bin, because biodegradable. Unfortunately, used dog waste bags must never be deposited in the compost waste bin. The reason for this: A lot of dog poop contains eggs from parasites, think of Neospora. Neospora is a parasite in dog droppings. If a pregnant cow eats grass or drinks water that has been in contact with dog droppings, this parasite will settle in the cow and this can lead to a miscarriage. For the farmer, this also causes economic damage, because no calf also means no milk production. The temperature of the composting is too low to kill the eggs, so they come back happily back into the compost bag that you buy in the garden shop.

It is advised to put the bags of dog poop at the residual waste.
This is incinerated in the special incinerators that again provide energy for the households. Do you want to kill the parasites then burning the stuffed bag is a better idea.

Hop, in the bushes

A dog owner has the impression that a starch bag with contents can be thrown in the bushes because; "It is biodegradable" . With this action, the whole set-up of the removal of dog droppings disappears, then you can just leave it as well. But of course we also think about the environment and our nature. That is why our dog waste bags are made from recycled polyethylene in an environmentally friendly way. After use, they must always be thrown away in the garbage bin. 


If the dog poop bag is then deposited with the residual waste in the waste bin after use, the incineration of the residual waste will generate energy again.